This Years Show and Shine at Dubbed Out Festival 2023 is proving to be a popular one.
Venue and time: Dubbed Out Festival. The Royal Cheshire Showground, Knutsford. The entrance to the showground is Pickmere Lane WA16 OJE. 8am to 9am arrival Sunday 30th of July.

Entries are applying in droves with everything from Porsche engine conversion Split Screens to Beach buggys and T6 campers.
You too can get involved in the Sunday Show and shine. And here’s the details of how….

If you want enter the Dubbed Out show and shine please send us an email.
Entry to the show and shine field is between 8am-9am Sunday morning for people arriving on the day.
On arrival, please let the gate staff know you are here for the Show and Shine, they will check you in and direct you to the show field.
If you are camping over please drive your vehicles over between 9am-10am from the camping fields.
Categories are nice and simple this year…
Best air cooled
Best water cooled
Best Camper van
Best Modified
Fat Bobs Emporium favourite
Caledonian Campers favourite
Judging will start at 12.30pm , prizes and trophies given out to the winners at 2pm
We’d also like to thank Caledonian Campers who support the community and are sponsoring this years Dubbed Out Show and Shine. Isla and her team have been instrumental in organizing this side of the show. Make sure you drop by their stand to see the magic they work in the conversion industry.
Also a big thankyou to Fat Bobs Emporium who also provide a great service to the Dubbed Out Community and have kindly offered to provide a prize for Fat Bobs favourite ride.